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"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it." --Milton Friedman, R.I.P., 1912-2006

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, September 18, 2006

Wine and Beer Way too Queer

For those of you not intimately familiar with the puritanical and protectionist oriented alcoholic drink laws in Oklahoma then illuminate yourself by reading this article.

Originally OK's alcohol restrictions surely had moral and religious roots solidified by the first "victory" in the "War on Drugs", i.e. prohibition. However, when reading the above referenced article it becomes obvious that this is no longer the case. Today liquor store owners, via rent seeking, have held on to and hope to hold on to the wine, beer (above 3 point), and liquor monoply that so benefits then at the cost of consumers.

Quote from the article:

"Allowing wine sales in grocery stores means opening the doors to big business, Richard said. “All this is somebody trying to get into our back yard at our expense,” he said.

It is so depressing when people think freedom and liberty means the ability to use government to protect your way of business at the cost of the economy as a whole and, most importantly, the right of individuals to enter into competitive business and offer goods and services (in this case the ability to sell beer and wine in a place other than a liquor store) that may or may not be better or worse than the already established business (liquor stores). Besides where is the horrendous economic conditions in the other 40 some odd other states that allow grocery stores and others to sell 5 point beer (and cold at that so all the poor people can get drunk a lot faster than in Oklahoma) and wines???

While the OK restrictions are bad, Viriginia and their communist style state-run liquor stores aren't much better.


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