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"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it." --Milton Friedman, R.I.P., 1912-2006

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, September 18, 2006

Manufactured Rage Strikes Again

By now most people have heard about some comments from the Pope where he quoted a Byzantine emperor who most likely was not too fond of Islam as he knew it and was actually speaking of the evil of spreading religion by the sword. Now, of course, there is rioting and gnashing of teeth in parts of the Muslim world, all directed towards the Pope (even though the churches burned in Palestine were not even Catholic).

The issue is not about the Pope and his comments. If it was then the ones that disagreed with his comments would address the issue directly by refuting them in one way or another (for example. the government of Kazakhstan does not like what the Ali G character, Borat says about Kazakhstan so the Kazkh government has taken out ads in major U.S. publications to give a different perspective, even though Borat has probably done nothing but positive things by Kazakhstan by making people aware that the country exists).

The point is with the Pope controversy is that no matter what the Pope says or will say, the Muslim rage, hate, and violence will never be content because they only demand complete subservience to their world view and anything less is unacceptable.

Here is a quote that helps make my point:

"Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

"I think that warning needs to be understood by all people who want to insult Islam and want to insult the prophet of Islam."


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