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"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it." --Milton Friedman, R.I.P., 1912-2006

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Friday, August 25, 2006

Cartoon Characters No Longer Able to Offer Cigarettes to Kids

Are you a smoker, present or past? Do you remember the day that Pepe Le Pew or maybe it was Yosemite Sam offered you your first cigarette or cigar? Frightening to think of the peer pressure involved when a child’s favorite cartoon character offers him or her a smoke. Well, thanks to The Elite™ invoking the law of historical revisionism and political correctness, kids will be able to enjoy those same characters without the threat of a life long addiction.

“Cartoon editors are painstakingly working through more than 1,500 episodes of classic Tom and Jerry, Flintstones, and Scooby Doo cartoons to erase scenes of characters - gasp - smoking. “

-From the article Thank you for never having smoked, by David Boaz.


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